Ontario Women’s Ancestral Skills Gathering

Three days and nights on the land together, tending our hearts, our hands and the land.

Michi-Saagig Territory

An invitation for that wild woman who keeps finding her way into your dreams…

What is Dreaming Waters Gathering?

Dreaming Waters Gathering. An intentional coming together of women to spend time remembering ancestral ways of caring for ourselves, each other and the land. On the first two days we nourish ourselves and each other through sharing offerings like: basket weaving, fire making, natural dye crafts, yoni steaming, and herbalism. On the third day, we focus our energies collectively on stewarding the land that holds us during our gathering. Welcome home to the village, sister.

This is ancestral technology…

The idea of women coming together to spend intentional time on the land, sharing skills, nurturing each other and the heartbeat beneath our feet, is ancestral technology. It is not our idea…It is something that our bones remember doing and slowly we are winding our way back into this deeply human phenomenon.

“There should be a warning label that comes with Dreaming Waters because that was the most deeply transformative experience of my life. It filled something deep within me, that I didn’t even know I was needing.”
Participant, Spring 2023

We would love to weave you into this dream, give us your email for love letters from the land.